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Version: 2203.1

Rover versions and tools

What is inside rover

Rover is based on a standard Linux distribution (currently Ubuntu), (our Terraform wrapper) and a set of commonly-used tools with their extensions when applicable. The best is to review by yourself in the Dockerfile.

Rover channels

We typically maintain rovers with the last 2 major versions of Terraform.

These are the following channels for rover releases on our Docker Hub:

Release channelDescription
rover stableStable, tested and validated versions of the tools.
rover previewNew features being tested and stabilized.
rover alphaHot off-the-oven features, used under a professional's supervision.
rover-agentReleases that are aligned with above channels but include the CI/CD agents/runners for the following products: GitHub Actions, Azure DevOps, Terraform Cloud/Enterprise, Git Labs

Components in current version

After a long time of using version-specific builds for every components, we moved to use mostly latest versions of the components unless integration tests show incompatibilities.

Components currently in rover:

Utilitiespowershell, mssql-tools, az, jq, yq, python, pywinrm, golang, kubectl, helm, github shell, openvpn
IaC toolsterraform, terraform-docs, vault, packer, ansible
DevSecOpscheckov, tfsec
Code excellencetflint, tflint with azure ruleset, caflint, pre-commit, pre-commit hooks for Terraform, shellspec