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Rover Ignite

Introduction to rover ignite

We know that creating a coherent stack of configuration files for an organization can be error-prone. Rover ignite is an iterative tool to get you started with various configurations and creates for you the set of files needed to deploy a complete environment.


Rover ignite commands will take the templated configuration files, and will generate for you the different elements according to your settings, including the readme files.

Overview of rover ignite


Rover ignite is ingesting YAML files as templates that will generate both the tfvars files, readme and soon pipelines.

Command reference

Typical rover ignite command looks like this (however, generally speaking across CAF, we will give you specific instructions on how to use it best):

rover ignite \
--playbook /tf/caf/landingzones/templates/platform/ansible.yaml \
-e base_templates_folder=/tf/caf/landingzones/templates/platform \
-e resource_template_folder=/tf/caf/landingzones/templates/resources \
-e config_folder=/tf/caf/definitions/single_reuse/platform \
-e landingzones_folder=/tf/caf/landingzones

Reference arguments:

-playbookyesPath to the root configuration Ansible playbook.
-e base_templates_folderyesPath to the set of Ansible templates for the platform Terraform landing zone.
-e resource_template_folderyesPath to the set of Jinja templates used for Azure resources instantiation.
-e config_folderyesPath to the set of functional templates for landing zones - depending on the scenario you pick from the templates directory inside landing zones.
-e landingzones_folderyesPath to root of landing zones logic folder.